Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is used to be the political center of whole Tibet. Fortunately, it is still the religion center of Tibet. It is home to the world famous Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Drepung & Sera Monastery which are two of the six largest Tibetan monasteries in the world.
Three years ago, a friend of mine traveled from Nepal into Tibet. She told me that she was disappointed with Lhasa. Now, I understood her disappointment. If I took away the palace and the monasteries, Lhasa looks like another other small Chinese cities filled with characterless "modern" buildings, but with Tibetan sign boards. However, I expected this, as Lhasa is the center of Tibet, and it has definitely got to be developed, may be at the expense of its rich culture.
However, this is the initial observation. When I was in Jokhang Temple and Barhor Square, I could see the faithful pilgrims spinning the prayer wheels, walking in clockwise direction around the temple, prostrating, offering yak butter etc... That is the kinda Lhasa that I was expecting and looking forward to see. Lhasa is definitely in a transitional period, striking a balance between modernization and retaining its heritage/tradition, perhaps, it is struggle.
The tip of snow-capped mountains above the clouds.
Looking for hostel in Lhasa, while struggling with the blazing heat, the heavy backpack & the out-of-breath syndrome (high altitude sickness)
Tracy, Ying & Michael (An Australian traveler/friend who we met on the way)
**one of my favourite photo
The main reason why I embarked on this trip....
Sunrise at Potala Palace
Sky was changing colours!
A New Day!
Front View of Potala Palace
Despite the exhaustion from the climbing and the altitude sickness, the gals were trying to look happy!!!
Construction in the Palace
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